Get Involved

Men are called to have dominion and lead their families in the fear of God. Come and experience how a relationship with God is connected to leadership. Leaders are not just born, leadership must be developed.

Women of Faith (WOF) is a powerful ministry for women of all ages. You will find both comfort and strength in knowing that you are not alone in the challenges of parenting and running a godly home. Why not come and find encouragement along the path of life with our Ladies ministry.

Our goals are to form, develop and train leaders for the ongoing development of our communities, the local church, and worldwide. Join us on Wednesday night where we have exciting and interactive Children Youth Bible Study sessions. These gatherings are uplifting and encouraging to all those in attendance, you don't want to miss it.

Uplifting praise and worship is what you will experience at New Abundant Life. Our goal is to create an atmosphere for worship in which we try to use the very best of the traditional and the very best of contemporary in developing a meaningful corporate worship experience. Join us in the Awesome Praise and Worship Experience!

The Commission: Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the NAME of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Matthew 28:19
Our Mission: Evangelizing, enriching and equipping others through specialized and effective ministries
Our Vision: To carry the Gospel to the whole world